Critical Alignment Therapy & Yoga
Institute, Moscow
Latrygina Alya
Why do I practice?

In short: it gives my life a meaning and gives me a sense of belonging.

I was never an athletic person: to the point that I (still) can't ride a bicycle. I had bad posture, scoliosis and kyphosis since my teens, and went through all sorts of procedures aimed at improving it during my school years including physiotherapy, massages (including hydro massage), manual corrections, and wearing a corset. For reasons now obvious to me, nothing worked, so I eventually stopped doing anything physical. Surprisingly I didn't suffer from back pains, as I probably had some reserves due to my relatively young age.

So, unlike many people who discovered CAT while searching for a solution to back pain, I got involved because of relationship problems. Back in May 2016 I was 39,5 kilos and on the verge of being a psychological wreck. It was clear that I had to do something with myself, but 'active' sport wasn't an option, and so I became a member of the Prana yoga centre. I immediately bought a 3-month (24 visit) subscription thinking that at the very least I would attend the classes to justify the money spent.

The first class I attended was a 'very easy' level of hatha yoga, and I just tried to copy the instructor. They were far from being real asanas. I could barely walk the next day as everything was sore. Luckily for me, the third time brought me to a critical alignment class. God, it was painful, but somehow it felt right. I was surprised that the next day there was no soreness. I bought myself a set of equipment to practice at home, wrote out all of the CAT classes from Prana's schedule and finished off my 24 visits in less than a month. I then got a year, unlimited membership and continued attending every class in the schedule.

In December 2016, I was encouraged to join the CAT teacher's course. After the teacher's course, I started teaching CAT-Y. It is an amazing feeling to see people discovering their bodies, overcoming fears and improving their quality of life. I am honoured and endlessly grateful for having such an opportunity to help people through the knowledge and experience I gained from Gert and the method.

CAT-Y helps me to keep sane and remain as calm as possible in stressful situations. I am closer to neutral than I was when I started: both physically with a much better posture, and mentally with a more stable mind. I enjoy being on my way to point 'A', turning bad news into good news and being surrounded and supported by great people.

I continue to learn from Gert, from fellow Russian CAT-Y teachers, and mainly from my students!

Come and let's practice, learn and change together!

16:00 - 17:30 After CA-Therapy 90'
18:30 - 20:30 CA Yoga BEGINNERS 120'
16:00 - 17:30 After CA-Therapy 90'
18:30 - 20:30 CA Yoga BEGINNERS 120'
20:30 - 22:00 CA Yoga BEGINNERS 90'
13:30 - 15:00 After CA-Therapy 90'
15:15 - 17:15 CA Yoga BEGINNERS 120'
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