Critical Alignment Therapy & Yoga
Institute, Moscow


18:00 - 20:00
Yakimanskiy per., 6, Moscow
December 07-08, 2019

Workshop by Gert Van Leeuwen and Jacoline Norden
*livestream is available

According to Gert van Leeuwen, the founder of the Critical Alignment Therapy and Yoga Institute, stress and trauma create a physical response in our body that leads to symptoms such as rounding of the upper back and blocking out of the shoulders and neck. He says that these issues can result in headaches, chronic tiredness and constant discomfort and tension in the body. Rounding in the upper spine and accumulating tension in muscles make our body stiff and less sensitive.

When doing yoga we usually try to stretch the muscles and mobilize our hips and shoulders. But what about the spine? How to bring lightness and strength to the spine?

You can practice and hear this theory first hand in classes with the founder of the critical alignment method and his leading teacher from Amsterdam.

    The price for one workshop

    3 500 rub.

    The number of seats is limited

    Our life is one big forward bend - but how to bend forward safely without harming your spine?

    Jacoline Norden will teach a workshop on lower back safety in forward bending and the importance of mobility in the hip joints
    December 07, 2019. Jacoline Norden
    December 08, 2019. Gert Van Leeuwen
    Following Jacoline's class Gert will talk about 5 lines of tension in the body, how it affects our daily life and how to stabilize the lower back and therefore neutralize this tension with the help of practice.
    Founder of the method, head of Critical Alignment Yoga and Therapy Institute in Amsterdam and Moscow
    The Dutch yoga master has been exploring spine and back pain related issues for over 40 years. Based on profound knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and psychology, and as a result of continuous scientific research and extensive practice, this unique yoga and therapy method was developed. Such a combination of theory and practice makes this method different from other yoga approaches. The book describing the method is published in Dutch, English and Russian and has received positive feedback from B.K.S. Iyengar (or, has been endorsed by B.K.S. Iyengar).
    One of the leading CAT-Y teachers in Amsterdam. She is very clear and precise in her explanations of asanas, sequences and details. She is known for her competent approach to students' individual needs.
    Gert Van Leeuwen
    Yakolin Norden
    For overseas payment or if you have any questions,
    please contact Alya Latrygina
    WhatsApp +79165862318
    December 07, 2019. Jacoline Norden. Critical Alignment Therapy&Yoga Istitute, Moscow
    3500 rub.
    December 08, 2019. Gert Van Leeuwen. Critical Alignment Therapy&Yoga Istitute, Moscow
    3500 rub.
    December 07-08, 2019. Jacolin Norden & Gert Van Leeuwen. Critical Alignment Therapy&Yoga Istitute, Moscow
    6500 rub.
    December 07, 2019. Jacoline Norden. Online. The recording will be available for 3 months
    1900 rub.
    December 08, 2019. Gert Van Leeuwen. Online. The recording will be available for 3 months
    1900 rub.
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